Cloudy Days and Mondays

     It's finally October! Crazy right? Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons. The air starts to get chilly, the leaves start to change, and the holidays start getting closer. When I was younger I would get excited when October came because it meant only one more month till my birthday. Plus, when the weather got colder, I could go play in the woods without worrying about snakes. Now, I enjoy it because I start seeing pumpkins on peoples porches and kids are getting excited over what they're going to be for Halloween. Everyone starts anticipating Thanksgiving and Christmas, and looking forward to fall break. It's just a happy time of year. I've always been a cold weather kind of girl, so when I woke up and saw it was chilly and overcast on a Monday morning, I thought what better way to enjoy the start of October than to go outside and take some pictures without the killer heat. There's quite a few I wanted to share, and I am by no means a great photographer, but I enjoyed taking them none the less.

(My kitty named Garth. She thinks she's a predator sometimes.)

(The leaves are changing!)

(This is Freckles. He's my walking buddy when the cats stop following.)

(Our cute mailbox.)

(Walking back down my driveway I saw my grandpa getting out of his truck. He's quite the model.)

(My sister's kitty name Voltaire. I know, we give strange names…)

     There you have it! I love, love, love overcast days. I hope guys have enjoyed looking at my pictures. If not, then at least lie and say you do. Haha. Feel free to comment your favorite things about fall! I'd love to hear about it. Thanks for reading!

xx Carson


Shows of years Past…


Nashville/Country Music Hall of Fame/Photo Shoot