Winter Melts to Spring…
Hi everyone!
Spring is in the air here in Tennessee. Nashville is a town that hibernates all winter but when the weather gets warmer…. it’s at it’s absolute best. This time of year is when this city truly shines like a country music star standing in the Grand Ole Opry Circle. So, I have some thoughts and photos I’ve been wanting to share…
Snap Shots of my life lately:

With the seasons changing from the dreary cold to warm breezes and birds chirping at all hours of the day, I’ve been thinking a lot about my own life changes. Change, after all, is my word for the year 2023. This season of my life in particular has been busy with my part time job, really prioritizing fun hobbies & new friends, traveling with Vintage Market Days/Brewery shows, taking acting classes, and throwing myself into a music project I’ve been dying to share. (Soon I promise!)
After a few years of trying to figure out my goals and where I want to be/what I even want out of my life I think I’ve finally settled on the fact I’m exactly where I’m suppose to be. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve thought about quitting music and moving somewhere completely different (Italy does sound pretty nice…), I would never have to work again in my life because those dollars would add up. Instead of wishing for something or to be somewhere else what if where I am is exactly where I need to be? Is everything perfectly falling into place? … not exactly… Am I trusting God’s process? Absolutely. He’s been keeping me on my toes lately, that’s for sure.
This super top secret music project I mentioned has been slower moving than I hoped but I think when something is slow coming together it means God’s got some special planned for it. It’s also given me more time to be intentional with my plans for it and really enjoy the process. And in the meantime he’s given me some really fun acting projects with my friends from class. Waiting for one door to open doesn’t have to be boring or a time waster.
In all the busyness of life I think it’s so easy to want to accomplish the next thing, move on to the next “to do”, and keep go, go, going. It’s so easy to be caught up in the next moment that you forget to look around and notice the small changes a long the way that would have been big changes just a few short months ago. Isn’t that always the way it goes? Something you’ve wanted for so long finally comes and you put a nice check mark beside it to signify it’s done then ask, “what’s next?”
Maybe you’re like me and waiting for something…. anything to happen for you. Waiting is hard. God has removed a lot from my life in the waiting. I don’t always understand it. I’m not always happy about it but, here’s the thing about God - he sees the whole picture. He sees the outcome of opportunities missed and doors closed. He knows it’s for my best interest. He’s in rooms I’m not present in. He knows my heart and the hearts of people around me. I don’t have to know everything and understand all of it. Lately, I’ve been along for this bumpy ride and I don’t mind riding shot gun. After becoming best friends with the 8 hour drive from Nashville to home in NC I know first hand how nice it is to let someone else take the wheel and just simply trust they’ll get us there. It’s a luxury for me these days.
I feel like whatever he has for me is better than anything I could plan myself. I’m not going to force things because the few times I have ever forced my way it’s always blown up in my face. So, as I wrap up this music project and finally have the ability to start letting everyone in on it, I’m choosing to enjoy the slow change of a cold winter melting into a warm spring along with a few life changes coinciding. It’s not always easy but if I’m being honest, easy has always been so boring to me.
I hope you guys are enjoying this weather and seasonal allergies aren’t slowly draining your will to live haha. I personally have found honey to help immensely. In fact I just bought some mountain honey at a Vintage Market Days in Asheville recently that was divine. Life is pretty sweet.
I love you! Thanks for reading my little life update/thoughts.
xx Carson
P.S. If you ordered some Carson Hill Music merchandise we finally got them in! Be on the look out in your mailbox very soon!